
标题:广州红翔休闲中心:都市繁华中的一片宁静绿洲 在我国繁华的都市广州,有一处别具一格的休闲胜地——广州红翔休闲中心。这里犹如一座静谧的绿洲,为忙碌的都市人提供了一个放松身心、休闲娱乐的好去处。...

At the end of the ancient world, the cosmic river shook the chaotic fairy dome and cracked; Hey! He stepped into the context of the years like a crack in time, surrounded by a whirling world, and his fist was as light as the sea, suffocating him.

Come on, the immortals look around, and the third eye, the gods raise the trident and point it to their eyebrows. In an instant, it is necessary to reflect the divine light and let Gankun show it. Poof! At this time, Li Yu flashed out and now directly smashed his trident into slag from beginning...